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Why an IBCLC? (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)

Maybe you did take the breastfeeding class or maybe you didn’t. You read some of the recommended books and checked with your friends, but now that your baby is here, you’re feeling somewhat overwhelmed or uncomfortable. You may feel unsure of whether things are going well or not. It is only in the last 75 years that our culture has shifted dramatically to a bottle feeding culture. Many new mothers are bombarded with free formula samples, gifts, and promotional formula advertising which can feel confusing. Many have had little or no exposure to breastfeeding prior to the birth of their own baby. There are helpful lactation consultants in many hospitals and birth centers for the first 48 hours, but often as the new family arrives home, medications have worn off and fatigue and hunger set in, and questions and concerns can arise.

Lactation consultants are members of the allied medical team and are board certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners. Ann Conlon-Smith, IBLCE, RLC has been board certified since 1996 and has been helping families feed their newborns since then. She keeps up to date with the newest information on infant feeding, having accrued thousands of hours counseling families and speaking at professional conferences.  As a Private Practice Lactation Consultant, Ann will see you in an effective telemed visit.  A full history is taken of mother and baby is taken, and after meeting to assess feeding and concerns, helpful recommendations are made. A full care plan/report is submitted to family and health care provider before the end of day.