- Ann Conlon-Smith, IBCLC, RLC has seen thousands of families over the years.
- Full history is taken of mother and baby
- Typical consultation takes approximately 60-90 minutes and includes observations, encouragement, assistance, referrals, suggestions, weight and intake checks and reassurance in feeding your baby
- After meeting to assess feeding and concerns, helpful recommendations are offered in a full care plan/report which is submitted to family and health care provider before the end of day.
- Some follow up phone calls, texts, or emails are usually included, but often a follow up visit may work better at some point.
- Board certified since 1996 and has been helping thousands of families feed their newborns since then
- Lactation consultants are members of the allied medical team and are board certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.
- Ann speaks at professional conferences
Maybe you did take the breastfeeding class or maybe you didn’t. You read some of the recommended books and checked with your friends, but now that your baby is here, you’re feeling somewhat overwhelmed or uncomfortable. You may feel unsure of whether things are going well or not. New families are bombarded with confusing information on how to feed their babies. Often, they have had little or no exposure to breastfeeding prior to the birth of their own baby. There are helpful lactation consultants in many hospitals and birth centers for the first 48 hours, but sometimes as the new family arrives home, medications have worn off, fatigue and hunger have set in, and questions and concerns increase.
Most Aetna, Aetna Duke Select, Blue Cross Blue Shield, UHC, Cigna are covered. I am in network with Aetna.
For Cigna insurance coverage submit info BEFORE we meet to https://portal.wildflowerhealth.net.affiliate-care/a8e0aae
For BCBS or UHC/UMR submit insurance info BEFORE we meet to: https://go.lactationetwork.com/trianglelactation
Out of network Claim Form provided for client to submit to other insurance companies.
Appointments for consultation can be made by calling or texting 919-389-1599 or by email at aconsmith@gmail.com
Once appointment is made, the following is needed before meeting
1-I am in network with Aetna and Duke Aetna Select. Enter your insurance info on history form.
For BCBS or UHC email: https://go.lactationnetwork.com/TriangleLactation You will get a quick response for coverage of our consultation.
For Cigna click on https://portal.wildflowerhealth.net/affiliate-care/a8eOaae
2 -Complete intake form as soon as you can. Once received, I can confirm our appointment.
What to have ready for consultation
- Your baby ready to eat (not necessarily famished, but ready and willing) It is helpful for us to be able to chat a bit first if possible.
- Dress baby in something easy to get off. You should wear something easy to breastfeed in.
- Bring items you might be using for feeding, including nipple shield, tubing, syringes, bottles, milk, etc.
- I can observe fit of pump flanges by video before meeting.
- Some milk — A couple of ounces of your own milk, donor milk or formula We may not need it at all, but just in case..

“It’s been almost 8 months. It’s hard, it’s a commitment, it’s a sacrifice. I’ve been frustrated, I’ve wanted to give up. I’ve been told I can’t do it. I’ve been asked why I don’t just give bottles. But I’ve gained more than I’ve given. I’ve gained one on one time I wouldn’t have otherwise gotten. I’ve given them the best I could. I’ve learned how strong I am. I debated sharing this photo, but this is my life. This isn’t vulgar, this isn’t sexualized. This is hard work, dedication. Lets normalize breastfeeding!
A huge thank you to Babymonster Photography for capturing this for me.”